Medicines Check
Top 10 tips for successful MURs
Top tips

Collect phone numbers and/or email addresses.
Use business cards if patients want to call you back about the service. Remind patients that the service is by appointment only, just like they do with their GP.


Making a time for an appointment once you have a patients consent.
Give the patient a copy of the appointment date and time, if necessary use appointment cards. Call patients the day before their review and remind them of their appointment time. Ask them to give notice if they have to cancel an appointment.


Collect patient details and prescription information before the review.
Your staff could do this for you. Print off the patients medications from your dispensary system, gather relevant information for the review. This saves precious time and allows more time for discussion and questions during the consultation. You may wish to consider posting out Consent Forms and the Registration Form and ask for these to be returned prior to the first consultation.

Top tips

Be prepared for questions that a patient may ask.
Ensure that you are aware of the most common problems associated with the medication the patient is taking. Have some reference material available to refer to if you are not sure. You may not be able to answer every question and in some instances the patient may need to be referred back to their GP.


Set interview guidelines with the patient at the outset of the MUR.
Reiterate the purpose of the service and the time available for the consultation. You may wish to do this as an introduction or opening statement like, "Good morning Mrs (Brown), we have half an hour to talk about your medications to make sure you are getting the most out of them and I will try and answer any questions you may have about them. I will need to record details as we go along."